Tuesday, April 19, 2016

8 Years-8 Transformations

Photo Credit: factsandtrends.net
In a previous post I highlighted some of the ways God has been refining the Senior Pastor at FBC, Freeport.  Today I want to mention some of the ways God has been refining the ministry.  Over the past 8 years how has God changed and reformed the church itself?

 1) Our worship service is Word-driven and God-centered; (8+ years ago our worship services had become too man-centered; see Gary Gilley's book, this little church went to the market: the church in the age of modern entertainment).  My primary priorities in coming to First were to preach the Word faithfully (establish an expository pulpit), to develop personal relationships (to be a pastor-teacher), to help train men to be effective shepherd-leaders, and to reform our Sunday morning liturgy.  

Paul charged Titus in Titus 1:5 to "set in order what remains" (which suggests he was to put a broken bone back in place) and to appoint qualified lay leaders (elders) who would help this young pastor reform the church in Crete.  Today this kind of local church ministry is often called church revitalization.

In order for a church to go from "embers to a flame" a congregation must humbly acknowledge that they are sick and in need of biblical medicine, that they are lost and need spiritual direction, and/or that they have drifted and need to be brought near to the Good Shepherd once again.  Dr. Harry Reeder makes this very point in his helpful book, "From Embers to a Flame: How God can Revitalize Your Church."

2) Regardless of who is preachingthe sermons (I trust) are meaty, Text-driven, exultational expositions (against Heb. 5:12-14; for 2 Tim. 2:15; 4:1-4; 1 Pet. 4:10-11).  

3) Many members have come to appreciate the meat of God’s word and are no longer content with milk alone (per Heb. 5:12-14). These same believers have grown in their discernment and have deepened their own doctrinal convictions as they have grown in their understanding of the full counsel of God (Eph. 4:11-16; Acts 20:27-32).  Right thinking and godly behavior go hand in hand.   It has been encouraging to witness God's people grow in the knowledge and grace of the Savior.

4) Our congregational meetings no longer look and sound like a Jerry Springer show; (the congregation respects one another and has developed greater trust in leadership).  Love for the brethren is evident in many different respects.  Having said this, we continue to ask God to deepen and sweeten the fellowship of the saints at FBC, Freeport as we put into practice the N.T. "one anothers."

5) The respective leadership boards have stopped viewing one another as rival clans.  By the grace of God, our boards function as a team, with different roles (rather than fighting over ministry turf).  Note 1 Cor. 12-14; 1 Peter 4:10-11.  1 Timothy 3.

6) After  8 years of intentional leadership training and development quite a few of our lay leaders are serving effectively as Bible-driven, shepherd-leaders in the church, home, and community; (Men who want to help make key decisions are easy to find; developing leaders who want to help disciple and serve the flock is the real challenge).  

7) In effort to stop the bleeding (financially and numerically) FBC became very fad orientated (40 Days of Purpose, Prayer of Jabez, etc).  The ministry has come to understand that spiritual maturity via evangelism and discipleship is the goal of biblical ministry.  See Eph. 4:11-16; Col. 1:28-29; Matt. 28:18-20; Acts 2:42.

8) Biblical church discipline is now a defining mark of our local church.  When I came in 2008 I do not think it is an exaggeration to say 2 Cor. 12:21 summarized us as a whole.  Sinful leaven had been left unchecked (contra Acts 5) which hurt the church's witness in the community (John 17:17-19) and had a leavening impact on some within the flock (note 1 Cor. 5).  After years of teaching, the leadership and congregation modified our church by-laws to better reflect the spirit of Matthew 18:15-17; Gal. 6:1-4; Jude 22-23.  See the helpful book In Pursuit of Prodigals.

By the grace of God, the First Baptist Church of Freeport has become a "9 Marks" church.  We by no means have arrived as a church but the depth and direction of the ministry better reflects the precepts and priorities of the New Testament Scriptures. The faithful prayers of the saints and the consistent leadership of many courageous leaders have been used by God to help us reach this place.  To God be the glory for the things He has done!

P.S. For related articles seeIs MY Church Declining Spiritually?

Acknowledging FORMER Members in Celebration of 170 Years

Faithful Lay Leaders: The Backbone of the Church

Profiles of Faithful Church Members (hereherehere, and here)

A Team Effort: How Other Local Churches Helped Revitalize Our Church

Three Characteristics of a Church in Need of Biblical Revitalization.

Why Every City Needs a Church Like This (parts one and two)

Choosing Your Church:  The Ten Things That Matter Most

The State of the American Church Today

The Danger of Avoiding Difficult Texts (& a list of other 9 Marks Churches in NW Ill)

A Major Ministry Milestone 

Be Faithful and Trust God With the Results (an encouraging profile of Capital Hill Baptist Church)

The Trails and Personal Tribulations of Reformation Ministry (a heroic biography of Al Mohler a modern day Reformer).

What Happens When Evangelical Churches Accept Members Who Are Fleeing Another Local Church  (Russell Moore)