Thursday, November 19, 2015

Choosing Your Church: The Ten Things that Matter Most

Choosing your church: The Ten Things that Matter Most
(by Joshua Harris, from Stop Dating the Church: Fall In Love With the Family of God; chapter 5).

Charles Spurgeon: “Do not go where it is all fine music and grand talk and beautiful architecture; those things will neither fill anybody’s stomach, nor feed his soul. Go where the gospel is preached, the gospel that really feeds your soul, and go often.”

What to look for in a local church?  The Ten Things that Matter Most:

1. Is this a church where God’s Word is faithfully taught?
(i.e. genuine expository preaching; is the whole counsel of God being taught here?)

2. Is this a church where sound doctrine matters?
(read through 1 and 2 Timothy/Titus many times before joining/leaving a church).

3. Is this a church in which the gospel is cherished and clearly proclaimed?
(see Romans 1:16-17; Matthew 28:18-20)

4. Is this a church committed to reaching non-Christians with the gospel?
(2 Corinthians 5:18-21)

5. Is this a church whose leaders are characterized by humility and biblical integrity?
(Make sure you study carefully God's non-negotiable qualifications of a church leader in 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1.  See also the Shepherd-leader.  For example, if a pastor has committed adultery he is no longer a "one-woman man" or "above reproach"and is therefore not qualified to serve as an officer in Christ's church.  God's Word says an elder/pastor "MUST BE" X, Y, and Z).

6. Is this a church where people strive to live by God’s Word?
Do they embrace Sola Scriptura in faith and in practice?  See the Master's Plan For the Church.

7. Is this a church where I can find and cultivate godly relationships?
(Study all the New Testament one-anothers)

8. Is this a church where members are challenged to serve?
(Study 1 Peter 4:10-11 and Eph. 4:11-15)

9. Is this a church that is willing to kick me out?
(Study Matthew 18:15-17; 1 Corinthians 5; Acts 5).

10. Is this a church I’m willing to join “as is” with enthusiasm and faith in God?
(America does not need anymore church shoppers.  Realize what matters most to God and that no local church or pastor is perfect.  As long as a church is striving to come under the Lordship of Christ and His perfect Word you have likely found a good place to call 'home.'  Reformation often takes time so be patient)

END NOTES: A church committed to glorifying God and reaching the lost world will not only endorse meaningful membership, but will clearly define what church membership requires (often in the form of a church covenant).  Healthy local churches will also have some sort of a member care list; per Hebrews 13:17 and 1 Peter 5:1-4.  Word-driven churches do not allow inactive church members to remain on the church membership role see Hebrews 10:24-25).

You might boil these ten things down to three:
I) You want a church that teaches all of God’s Word.
II) You want a church that values God’s Word.
III. You want a church that strives to flesh out all of God's Word.

In this vein, the Reformers said their are three essential marks of a true church:
A) The pure preaching of the gospel.
B) The pure administration of the ordinances (baptism and communion).
& C) Biblical church discipline.