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Photo Credit: https://www.instagram.com/togetherforthegospel/ |
Even among American evangelical churches controversial passages/doctrines (like the sample list above) seem to be neglected with increasing frequency. To make matters worse quite a few ministries that teach the Scriptures faithfully do not apply the Scriptures consistently (application is often where the rubber really meets the road in the local church). Am I willing to apply the Scriptures even when it is going to cost me/us something? (Be it your reputation is slandered in the community; disgruntled members church hop to another ministry that will "do church" the way they want it done; your church budget decreases; etc, etc). In reading the pastoral epistles carefully it is crystal clear that Biblical ministry is not for the weak of faith (see Acts 16:13; 2 Timothy 2-3; Joshua 1:8-9)!
How does this slide happen? It often takes place when verse-by-verse preaching is abandoned as the main diet of the church. One of the chief dangers about thematic and topical preaching (or "surfacey exposition") is that preachers are able to skip around and avoid passages of Scripture that are deemed too controversial or just not 'applicable' to modern man (contra 2 Timothy 3:15-4:5; Acts 20:20-28). More and more preachers cater their messages/worship services to the desires of the masses (note 2 Timothy 3:15-4:1-5). In too many instances size and money is apparently more important than biblical depth and Christian maturity (contra Col. 1:28-29; Eph 4:11-16; Heb. 5:12-14).
Mark Dever highlights one of the reasons why this approach to ministry (though subtle) is so dangerous. Avoiding the doctrine of hell (or any other biblical doctrine) is just one step away from denying it altogether.
It is time for church members to start demanding that their church leaders preach the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. If those biblical expectations are not met those members should find a healthy church that is seeking to do just that. As in the sixteenth century a new Reformation is needed in America in the spirit of the 1996 "Cambridge Declaration." I have devoted the last seven and a half years of my life to this cause- though I find myself in the minority here- I am certainly not alone.
Here are some 9 Marks (Word-centered) churches in/around NW Illinois that are committed to verse-by-verse preaching that I recommend:
1) First Baptist, Freeport (I am biased, but by the grace of God, the depth and direction of our church is once again on target). www.fbcfreeport.com Main influences: John MacArthur, The Master's Seminary and College, and The Expositors Seminary.
2) Grace Fellowship Church (A solid PCA church with a faithful pastor-teacher in Justin Coverstone). http://gracefreeport.blogspot.com/ Main influence: Reformed Theological Seminary
3) Shannon Baptist Church (Though Pastor Tim Lehman and I don't agree on ever aspect of the doctrines of grace I know this shepherd-leader teaches what he sees in the text (2 Tim. 2:15) and that he holds his congregation and himself to the Perfect standard). http://shannonbaptist.org/ Main influences: Bob Jones University and Seminary
4) Lena Baptist Church (Though Pastor Randy Hockema is more fundamental than I am he is a true shepherd-leader who is committed to building Christ's Church by the Book). http://lenabaptistchurch.com/ Main influence: Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary
5) Faith Baptist; Monroe, WI. (Pastor Andy Leverton is a Reformed Baptist preacher with a sincere passion to declare the full counsel of God).
6) Rock Valley Bible Church (Pastor Steve Brandon is a fellow graduate of the Master's Seminary and is a skilled expositor of Scripture). http://www.rvbc.cc/ Main Influence: John Piper and TMS.
7) The Red Brick Church (Dr. Chris Brauns is a gifted author as well a faithful Bible expositor). http://theredbrickchurch.org/ Chris received his D. Min from Gordan-Conwell Theological Seminary. His book Unpacking Forgiveness is the best book I have ever read on this subject.
8) Morning Star Church (Over the last 8 years no local church has come alongside First Baptist more than MSC. MSC's new pastor Josh Pegram is a faithful expositor and a gifted leader). http://morningstarrockford.org
9) First Baptist, Rockford (Pastor David Huffstutler is a pastor-scholar and is faithful expositor of Scripture). http://www.fbcrockford.org/ Main influences: Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary and Southern Seminary.
10) Evangelical Free Church of Mount Morris (Pastors Bruce Mckanna and Lance Mennon are gifted preachers). http://www.efcmm.org/ Main influences: Trinity Evangelical and Southern Seminary.
11) Baileyville Reformed Church (Pastor Bruce Otto follows the short tenure of Pastor Ben Kappers. Both shepherds (past/present) want to see the Lord revitalize His Church to the glory of God. https://www.facebook.com/BaileyvilleReformedChurch/ Main influence: Covenant Theological Seminary.
12) Elim Baptist Church (Former Pastor Larry Pauley laid a wonderful foundation for this Rockford based ministry. Pastor Keith Kilburn is committed to declaring the whole counsel of God through verse-by-verse preaching). http://elimbaptist.org/
TOMORROW'S POST- Choosing Your Church: The Ten Things that Matter Most
P.S. My list above is not exhaustive. I have not had time to evaluate every local church in/around Freeport; nor have I had the opportunity to interact with every single pastor. I have had the privilege to interact regularly with the men listed above and have listened to sermons on a number of local church websites.
A MUST HEAR- The first 20 minutes of John Piper's, "Why Expositional Preaching is Paritculary Glorifying to God" might change your life. Click here.