Wednesday, August 1, 2018

How the Future Impacts the Present

INTRO:  How does the disciples’ unpreparedness at Gethsemane tie in with this morning’s sermon text (note Matthew 24:36-44)?

If Jesus' faithful disciples were unprepared after a mere 60 minutes (see Matthew 26:40), how many believers will be caught asleep at the wheel when the King returns (2000+ years later)?  

How should the future impact the present?  Why is biblical eschatology so important?

How many believers today will be unprepared when the King finally returns after 2000+ years?  List 5 reasons why this is so. 

“I want to be more expectant and excited about the 2nd Coming of Christ but I am struggling to do so.”  How does one foster greater longings for future and eternal things?  Talk with another LCBCer who is “on fire” for Christ.

General Outline of Jesus’ Oliviet Discourse

I) The Horrific Tribulation                              (Matthew 24:4-28)

II) The Glorious 2nd Coming                            (Matthew 24:29-32)

I) End Times (Kingdom) Confusion                (Matthew 24:3)

II) Red Letter Clarification                             (Matthew 24:4-25:46)

The “Horrific Tribulation” and the “Glorious Return of Christ” should impact our lives in a multiplicity of ways.  In view of the prophesied future (per v. 4-31)- 

Jesus’ disciples must be:

1) Well Versed Students of Scripture (especially of biblical prophecy).

(Matthew 24:32-35)

Jesus’ disciples must be:

2) Be Ready, Prepared, and on the Alert!

(Matthew 24:36-44)

For Further Reflection/Application:  We must be doers of the Word and not merely hearers

How did the preacher tie in the disciples’ unpreparedness in Matthew 26 with the central theme of this morning’s sermon text (Matthew 26:36-44)?  Will you be ready when the King returns?  Are you prepared for the Day of the Lord?

How many believers today will be unprepared when the King finally returns after 2000+ years?  List 5 reasons why this is so. 

“I want to be more expectant and excited about the 2nd Coming of Christ but I am struggling to do so.”  How does one foster greater longings for future and eternal things?  Talk with another LCBCer who is “on fire” for Christ.

Jesus calls us to live each day in light of the prophesied future. List 3-4 things that would set you apart from your unbelieving friends and your unprepared Christian peers if you consistently applied what you have been learning about the past many months.

“What does it look like for followers of Christ to be eagerly watching for Jesus and urgently working for His kingdom purposes?”

If a Mormon or Muslim pointed to Matthew 24:36 as a “proof text” that disproves the Deity of Christ, how would you counter this errant interpretation (1 Peter 3:15)?

List a few of the ways that the prophesied future impacts the present? (Note Matthew 24:32f)

Related Praise Songs:  Theology fuels Doxology!  We dig deeply in order that we may go high!

Check out the LYRICS of these lesser known songs.

See He Comes- Sovereign Grace
Eternal Praise- Enfield
Joy to the World!   Isaac Watts
Lo! He Comes With Clouds Descending! Charles Wesley
One Day When Heaven Is Filled With His Praises- Casting Crowns
The Revelation of Jesus Christ- Ghost Ship
The King is Coming- Gaither band
All Things New- Red Mountain Music
When We See Your Face- Sovereign Grace

Related Biblical Texts:  Search the Scriptures to see if these things be so.

Matthew 24-25; Mark 13; Acts 17:30-31; 2 Cor. 4:16-18; Col. 3:1-4; Phil. 1:21; Rev. 22:10-15