Monday, August 20, 2018

How the End of the Story Impacts Today and Tomorrow

Matthew 24:45-51

“If I had only known this or that I would have done things differently!”

When’s the last time you said this?   When is the last time you said this with regards to Scripture? For example, if I had known God's Word said this, I would not have done that.

General Outline of Jesus’ Olivet Discourse:

I) The Horrific Tribulation (Matthew 24:4-28)
II) The Glorious 2nd Coming (Matthew 24:29-32)

In view of the prophesied future (per v. 4-31) Jesus’ disciples must be:

1) Well versed students of Scripture (especially biblical prophecy).

(Matthew 24:32-35)

2) Ready and prepared for the end.

(Matthew 24:36-44)

While still remaining 3) Faithful stewards of the present

(Matthew 24:45-51)

Biblical stewardship can be defined as: Utilizing and managing all the resources God provides for the glory of Christ and for the spiritual good of others.  Think about the stewardship of time (Ephesians 5:16), money (Prov. 3:9), spiritual gifts (Rom. 12:6; 1 Pet. 4:10-11), God-given talents (Luke 12:48), family, intellect, etc. Note Matt. 24:45-47; 25:14f.  Are you a faithful and wise steward?

For Further Reflection/Application: We must be doers of the Word and not merely hearers

List the last 3-4 times you said to yourself, “If I had only known this or that I would have done things differently?” Provide at least two examples that are spiritual in nature and related to Scriptural revelation.

List two practical ways how the “end of the story” ought to impact today and tomorrow more fully in your own life? Read 1 Timothy 4:7-8 which talks about physical exercise and the spiritual disciplines in view of eternity. Elders/Pastors note 1 Peter 5:4.

How often do you feel totally spent in faithful service to Christ (note Paul’s example in Colossians 1:28-29; Phil. 1:21)? Are you regularly using the spiritual gifts/talents God’s given you for the spiritual health and maturation of Lake Country Bible Church? How are your ministries going? (1 Peter 4:10-11; Romans 12:6)? Are you using your retirement (time) in a God-honoring way (Eph. 5:16; Matthew 24:45-47)?

Read Proverbs 3:19 and Malachi 3:8-19. How have you managed the money God has given you the past eight months? How are you spending/saving/using it? What does this say about your priorities (read Matthew 6:21)? Review the past 3 months of credit card/bank statements lest you give yourself the benefit of the doubt? We’re all tempted to this.

Out of the 3 practical application points from Matthew 24, which one do you need to work on the most? Write out a practical plan of how you are going to grow in this area. Share this list with a close friend for personal accountability.

According to a recent poll more Muslims await the return of Jesus then do American Christians. Why do American believers often focus too much on the temporal things?

Read Matthew 25:1-30 in preparation for next week’s sermon exposition of Matthew 25:31-46

Related Praise Songs: Theology fuels Doxology! We dig deeply in order that we may go high!

The Cause of Christ- Kari Jobe

Take My Life and Let It Be

Take My Life- Chris Tomlin

May All Who Come Behind Us Find Us Faithful

When We See Your Face- Sovereign Grace

Related Biblical Texts: Search the Scriptures to see if these things be so.

Matthew 6:21; 24-25; Proverbs 3:19; Malachi 3:8-19; Romans 12:6; 2 Corinthians 4:16-18; Eph. 5:16; 1 Peter 4:10-11.