Monday, June 11, 2018

Israel's Future Salvation and the Messianic Kingdom: Rev. 20; Luke 13:34-35

INTRO:  In God we trust.”  But should we: Can God and Christ be fully trusted?
(By the end of this sermon you should be able to explain how these questions relate to Luke 13:34-35 and how they’re connected with the biblical promises God made with Israel).

In effort to help us understand Revelation 20:4-6 we’re establishing 4 Central Affirmations of King Jesus Concerning the Forthcoming Kingdom of God.

   From Luke 19:11-44 and Luke 21:24 we’ve noted that:

I)                   When the Messianic King Comes, He Will Establish the Kingdom-- just not right away!

(Luke 19:11-27)

II)               For Rejecting her King, the Jewish People will be repeatedly trampled upon UNTIL
“the time of the Gentiles is complete.”

(Luke 19:28-44; Luke 21:24)

III) The Glorious Kingdom will be established WHEN national Israel finally welcome Jesus as Savior, Lord, and King!

(Luke 13:34-35)

To help us understand and apply Luke 13:34-35 in a God-honoring way we’re going to hang our thoughts on 4 “R’s

I) RUEFULNESS-  Luke 13:34a; 19:41; Ezekiel 18:23

II) REJECTION  -  Luke 13:34b; 19:27; Acts 2:22-23; 3:13-15

III) RETRIBUTION-  Luke 13:35a; 19:43-44; 21:20-24a

IV) REVIVAL-  Luke 13:35b; Hosea 3:4-5; Romans 11:26

For Further Reflection/Application:  We must be doers of the Word and not merely hearers

Can God and Christ be fully trusted?  How does God’s dealings with Israel (past, present, and future) and His biblical promises relate to this?  Explain the correlation between Luke 13:34-35 and these very important questions.   

Ruefulness- “Causing, feeling, or expressing sorrow or regret: ‘He gave the young officer the 
rueful look of a father exasperated with his misbehaving son.’

Consider the great love God has for sinners.  Study Ezekiel 18:23. 

Our God is the God of compassion (read Psalm 86:15; 145:8; Lam. 3:22f; Mark 1:41; & Luke 19:41). Some pastors have even called Him, “Our Prodigal God!”

Do we lament over the impending judgment of hell-bent sinners?  Jeremiah did.  Jesus did.  Paul did.

Listen to the Getty’s Compassion Hymn and make this song your prayer this summer!

Rejection- Though God is sovereign in salvation (theologians call this his electing grace- note Eph. 1-2; Rom. 9) all nations and individuals are responsible if they reject His grace.  See also Romans 10:21; Acts 3:13-15, 7:51; and Luke 19:14

Retribution- “Requital according to merits or deserts, especially for evil; something given or inflicted in such requital. In theology. the distribution of rewards and punishments in a future life.”

See Luke 13:1-9; 34-35; 1 Cor. 16:22; Revelation 20:11-15.

“The greater the light, the greater the judgment.” Explain. 

What blessings come with simply being born in America?  What blessings do you have if you were raised in a bible-believing home?  What blessings do you enjoy being apart of a strong Bible-saturated local church?  Remember, “to whom much is given much is required!”

Revival- Why does the future salvation of Israel come as no surprise to a biblical informed student of the Old Testament Scripture? (note Hosea 3:1-5; Zech. 12-14; Acts 3:12-26)

How does God keeping His Word with Abraham, David, and Israel impact you as a Gentile Believer?  The entire Bible is one story containing promises made and promises kept.

The three major covenants of God with Israel are the Abrahamic, the Davidic, and the New Covenants.  Go back over your sermon notes from Genesis 12, 15, 2 Samuel 7, and Hosea 3 which unpack these glorious promises.  These messages are also available on our website 

Related Praise SongsTheology fuels Doxology!  We dig deeply in order that we may go high!

O Jerusalem- by Robin Mark
Jesus Shall Reign O’er All the Earth- Keith and Kristyn Getty
The Compassion Hymn- Keith and Kristyn Getty
You Are My King (Amazing Love How Can It Be?)-
Here is Our King- Dave Crowder
Crown Him With Many Crowns-
Stricken, Smitten, and Afflicted- Fernando Ortega
Ah, Holy Jesus, How Have You Offended?- Fernando Ortega

Related Biblical Texts:  Search the Scriptures to see if these things be so.

Lamentations 3:22f; Isaiah 5; Ezekiel 18:23; Daniel 9:24-27; Hosea 3:1-5; Zech., 12-14; Mark 1:41; Luke 13:1-9, 34-35; Luke 19:1-44; 21:5-24a/ 21:24b-38; John 3:15-19; Acts 1:1-11; Romans 1:16-17; 3-4; 9-11; Revelation 11:2; 19-22.