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TGC's MLK50: a Review |
For some time now the Gospel Coalition has been posting hundreds of articles on social justice causes (mostly from a leftist perspective) that have concerned quite a few evangelical pastors, professors, and lay people. Some are too afraid to say anything in public for fear of being called a "racist." No one wants to be called that.
The primary reason why I have felt the necessity to write so many response pieces is because I have witnessed far too many people get swept away in what TGC calls "true Gospel ministry." Churches that were once united in Christ (Galatians 3:28) are beginning to become divided over related "social/political" issues. My heart breaks over this. In many ways this is really not a complicated issue (one would not know that when listening to many Christian seminars on this subject). We are commanded by our Lord and Savior to love God and to love our neighbors. We are to love people created in the image of God as the Word of God defines love, not as the world so often defines it.
A Christian professor-friend of mine corresponded with me recently about many of these hot topic issues which are being promoted far and wide via TGC's MLK50 conference and social media. This Christian professor's insights are worth your consideration (even if you do not agree with all of his conclusions).
"The FBI’s file on King’s sex life was dauntingly thick, Berl L. Bernhard, staff director of the US Commission on Civil Rights from 1958 to 1963, said in an oral history at the Kennedy Library. 'I do think the president was aware of it, and I know [darn] well some people in the administration were aware of it,' Mr. Bernhard said...The hagiography that some evangelicals have created around MLK, due to his great civil rights achievements, does not comport with reality."Before one attacks another person's theology or character they need to provide factual research/data to back up their conclusions. Agreed?
Let me save you some time by linking relevant articles. After reviewing this research (written by liberals, conservatives, and everything in between) you can then properly judge if what I have been saying on this blog is valid; (and if what TGC is promoting is truly biblical and "Gospel-centered"). The stakes in this evangelical debate are high. May we listen well, write clearly, and put everything we read and hear through the grid of sacred Scripture.
Errant theology? 1) In this MLK paper Dr. King denies the virgin birth of Jesus Christ. (click here) Christians have long considered this to be a fundamental doctrine of the Christian faith.
2) In this well documented article MLK denies many vital doctrines of the faith. (click here)
3) In this theological paper by Dr. King, MLK denies the orthodox position concerning the total Deity of Christ. (Click here) From Stanford university.
Immoral Lifestyle? 1) The following research comes from a variety of sources connected to MLK's morality. This issue is relevant in that TGC has blasted Donald Trump and Roy Moore voters for voting for politicians who have been guilty of and/or accused of fornication/adultery/etc. Most of these personal accounts were written by friends and allies of Dr. MLK (not enemies).
A) JFK and Dr. King's friends on MLK's sexual activity (outside of marriage). Click here, here, and here.
B) FBI reports recently released during the Kennedy era. Click here
C) Record from one of MLK's closest associates- Click here
C) Liberal website SNOPES report- (click here)
D) Liberal magazine Newsweek's report (click here)
On the charge of Dr. King not being Scripturally qualified due to physical adultery my professor friend notes-
"What gets me is the hypocrisy of holding conferences honoring MLK while lambasting as sub-Christian any believers who voted for Trump over Clinton or Moore over Jones." AND "Quite apart from King's sexual immoralities is this additional problem from an evangelical perspective: King denied Christ's incarnation, virgin birth, substitutionary atonement, bodily resurrection, and second coming. That just about sums things up: A full sweeping denial of orthodox Christian faith. For King, Christ was an excellent moral teacher and human exemplar of trust in God. No more, no less."Not too long ago I watched Tullian Tchividjian promote a hyper-grace sanctification paradigm that quickly went viral. I watched this almost-right teaching begin to divide pastors, TMS alumni, and churches. Dr. MacArthur and other leaders (who have much bigger platforms than I)- also warned the larger Church. Tullian's followers and fan boys did not listen... not until it was revealed that Tullian himself was living a double life. His theology was seemingly shaped by what was happening in his private life. Bad theology can lead to sinful behavior. But unconfessed sin can also lead to bad theology.
The same thing happened with Mark Driscoll and Mars Hill. Some faithful church leaders tried to warn people- some listened- most did not- Then the walls came crashing down (literally) at Mars Hill and many, many lay people were hurt. It is the job of pastor-teachers to "refute those who contradict" and to guard the flock of Christ to the best of our ability. This is the heartbeat of these "discernment" type blog posts that are posted here at Post Tenebras Lux. Never take my word for it. Do your own homework and diligently search the Scriptures to see if these things be so. Swallow the meat, spit out the bones, and reject everything that is false.
In closing Pastor Tom Ascol may have summed it up best when he said,
"I regularly remind myself & people I love that we have enough trouble dealing with real sins, we do not need to try to manufacture more according to our own proclivities."