Thursday, March 1, 2018

The 4-Fold Heavenly Hallelujahs! Revelation 19:1-10

The tendency to treat God like a ball of clay “who can be reshaped according to human tastes is nothing new;” (though it’s quite problematic).  I'm afraid many crowd-pleasing, evangelical preachers today have become plastic surgeons giving God a modern "face-lift."

Contemporary example 1- Westboro Baptist.  A god of holy wrath and justice but one who lacks perfect love and mercy.

Contemporary example 2- Liberal “Christianity.”  A god of love, patience, and grace but one who is not perfectly righteous and just.

Why do so many preachers/churches today skip passages like Revelation 6-19 and/or avoid teaching on the righteous wrath, perfect justice, and blazing holiness of Almighty God? 

What does God think of this 21st century “sculpting?” (James 3:1; Exodus 32).

What’s the relationship between silence and “denial?”

What can we do to ensure that God (in all of His glory) is not subtly “reshaped” during our congregational gatherings? (think preaching, Scripture reading, singing, etc).

Our expository outline of Revelation 19:1-10 flows out of  Hebrews 12:28-29,
Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved,
let us show gratitude and please God by worshiping Him with holy fear and awe
for our God is a consuming fire!

Should Add Their Voice to Heaven’s“Hallelujah” Chorus!
(pt 2; click link above to listen to sermon)

1) Because His judgment of the wicked is both deserved and fair
(Revelation 19:1-2)

2)  Because His judgments are permanent and unalterable
(Revelation 19:3-4)

3) Because Our All-Powerful King Shall Return to Rule and to Reign.

 (Revelation 19:5-6)

For Further Reflection/Application:

What holy attributes of God are you most tempted to ignore or tone down? 

What attribute(s) does the unbelieving heart seem to despise the most today?

Are you more tempted to present an imbalanced God of (only) wrath or to present an imbalanced God of (only) love?

What is the relationship between salvation and judgment in the book of Revelation?  Think about the global flood, the Exodus account, and the cross of Calvary as former examples of salvation through judgement.

As bad as things are today friends it’s going to get a whole lot worse (Rev. 6-18) before God and Christ make all things right (Rev. 19-22).  In view of this, why is Revelation 3:10-12 such a glorious promise?

Why must the greater son of David, King Jesus return to earth to establish a kingdom?  (think about our series on the covenants and our study on the song of Mary and Zacharias’ Benedictus in Luke 1).

What will the Almighty do when he returns to earth?

The imminent and certain prospect of the Kingdom reign of Christ calls for songs of loudest praise?  Does your singing/worship reflect your belief in the 2nd Coming?

What is the relationship between the 2nd Coming of Christ and local outreach and global missions?

What is the relationship between the 2nd Coming and more exalted worship and more fervent prayer?

Related Praise Songs:

The Hallelujah Chorus
- Handel

O Victory in Jesus

The Lord’s Prayer

Jesus Shall Reign- The Getty’s recently released an updated version of this old classic.

Joy to the World

How Sweet and Aweful is The Place-
Together for the Gospel

The Battle Hymn of Republic-
(when sung through the prism of Revelation 17-20)

Lo! He Comes With Clouds Descending

Related Biblical Texts:

Hebrews 11:6; 12:28-29; 13:8; Malachi 3:6; Dan. 9:27; Matt. 6:9-10; 23:27-25:1ff; Luke1:67-79;  2 Thess. 1:5-10; 2:3-4; Rev. 11:15-17 Rev. 17-20;

Related Resources

He Will Reign Forever: A Biblical Theology of the Kingdom of God. Michael Vlach

Sinners in the Hands of An Angry God
sermon. By Jonathan Edwards; (who for the record, preached more often on the love of God than on the wrath of God).

Because the Time is Near- John MacArthur