Thursday, February 8, 2018

Mary's Song (and What We Can Learn From It)

Mary’s Song
(and What We Can Learn From It).
Luke 1:46-55

The Magnificat illustrates the following lessons related to true worship that pleases the LORD:

1) Spirit-filled worship is robustly God-centered.

In verses 46f Mary’s worships God for what He is-  He is our Lord & Savior, the Lifter of our Heads, & so much more (vv. 46-48a)

Mary also worships the Almighty for what
He does (VV 49, 51-52)

& finally, Mary worships the Lord for what He says! (vv. 54-55)

2) Biblical worship is reserved for God and God alone.

Mary’s song showcases God’s magnanimous mercy, His limitless power, His transcendent holiness, His covenant faithfulness, His abounding goodness, and the list goes on & on…

"The biggest difference between the Psalms and much of our modern music today is not (as many think) the length of the songs, or the lack of repetition, or of the lesser use of the "I" pronoun--It is the breadth and depth of the character of God and how we as His creation humbly find our place in that." Gettys.

3) Exuberant worship is befitting for those who have tasted and seen that the Lord is Merciful, Faithful to His promises, & oh so Good!  

Note Luke 1:46-55. This was experiential worship in the truest and most biblical sense.

4) Authentic worship is grounded in: i) God’s gracious activity & ii) in the humanly impossible great things the Almighty does on behalf of His people.

Note the inspired grammar via the word "FOR" (or because) in v. 48 and v. 49.

5) God-glorifying worship is informed & inflamed with a deep knowledge of Scripture.

Mary was a Psalm 1:2 (blessed) believer.  It is clear that she treasured the Word of God and hid it in her heart.  The Magnficat borrows phraseology from 1 Samuel 2; the Psalms, and Isaiah.

See Col. 3:16-17.

6) True worship has both personal and corporate dimensions to it.

Mary begins with what God has done for her (a nobody from Nazareth; a believing bond slave), but her spiritual horizons quickly expand to include ALL who “fear him” (v. 50), “from generation to generation”, and to the Covenant people of God- “Israel” (vv 54-55)!

The individualistic and consumeristic mindset of so many American churchgoers is unbiblical (note Philippians 2) and yet widespread.  Worship wars over preferential aspects of music goes against the heart of true worship.