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Concerning Secretary Clinton's record one author writes, "The things she's said about the women who have accused her husband, Bill, of sexual harrassment -- Hillary called those women trailer park trash and all kinds of other names, and said 'no one's ever going to believe them.' Do you remember that she dismissed their accusations as being a right-wing conspiracy? Of one of those women, Hillary said, 'She is the war on women.' She says that women who speak up about harassment should be listened to, unless, apparently, it's about her husband.
Hillary has received millions in campaign donations from Saudi Arabia, Oman, Algeria, and the United Arab Emirates -- countries with horrid records concerning women's rights.
She has made fun of stay-at-home moms: 'I suppose I could have stayed home and baked cookies and had teas, but what I decided to do was to fulfill my profession which I entered before my husband was in public life.'
Hillary is radically pro-choice which is about as anti-woman as any in our era...She openly and unapologetically advocates for and defends abortion. From her own mouth she has said, "The unborn person doesn't have constitutional rights."
Another article trumpeted the more familiar #neverTrump evangelical mantra. The article basically said anyone who chooses the best of the worst is acting foolishly. If you vote for Trump you are putting politics before principles. Another Christian writer wrote, if you vote for Trump you are putting "winning and power before Christian values." While Pastor Todd Pruitt recently posted, "It was disgraceful when Robert Jeffries campaigned for Trump. It is just as disgraceful for a blogger at TGC to call pastors to campaign for Hillary Clinton."
Here are some more recent comments from conservative, evangelical, #neverTrump, choosing the lesser of two evils is always sin, leaders: "A vote for Donald Trump is a vote for adultery, porn, misogyny, divorce, fatherlessness, abortion, bankruptcy, gambling, racism, bullying, arrogance, obscenity, and overall godlessness." "Evangelicals MUST NOT carry the mark of (Cain) Trump." "This is a particularly clear presentation of a long-term temptation (as old as the third temptation of Christ). The emperor, or king, or president offers to further the mission of the church. The church, in turn, provides legitimacy to power."
This situation reminds me of when a Christian friend called me a "racist" publicly because I did not support the #blacklivesmatter narrative (I held the same position as Voddie Baucham and Phil Johnson). With all due respect, their are many Bible-believing evangelicals who believe that it would be foolish for them to vote for Hillary Clinton or a third party candidate. These believers are just as committed to the cause of Christ as you are, they have some knowledge of the world in which they minister, and they have a good understanding of Holy Scripture! I should know because I am married to one.
One of the reasons why I posted a few public articles concerning this issue is because I want believers to know that "voting for Trump" (come November) is not unchristian. Just like it was not unchristian when the majority of professing evangelicals voted for the flip-flopping Mormon Mitt Romney four years ago. Elections are matters of wisdom and conscience. Pray and ask God for wisdom, discuss the issues with others (Prov. 27:17), search the Scriptures, and vote in faith. Before you blast the position of other members of the body of Christ I would encourage you to first understand what it is. Their are many different ways to view political elections. This explains why good men and women often agree to disagree. I hope to dive into that issue with greater depth another time. To all my #neverTrump friends who keep belittling those who think differently than you do on this- enough already!
Related Articles: Is It (Really) Evil to Vote for the Lesser of Two Evils?
Todd Friel disagrees with Phil Johnson and suggests believers can vote for the best of the worst (see this).
God Save the Queen! (An Election Day Prayer 2016)
Political Lessons From Dort: In Essential Unity, in Non-Essential Liberty, in All Things Charity
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Lucado, Trump, and the 2016 Election