Photo Credit: Capital Hill Baptist Church |
"We've been betrayed" is the constant refrain in Aimee Byrd's recent
Mortification of Spin blog post. Are her concerns warranted? Has the Complementarian movement been taken over by "fringe" teachers?
Have our Christian sisters "been betrayed by the packaging and the mass selling of hyper-authoritative teaching under the guise of complementarity?" Does CBMW "owe a lot of women an apology?" In what ways is Biblical Manhood and Womanhood under fire today? Are Christian female authors ignored simply because of their gender?
Has the Biblical text been more influenced by 1950's patriarchal traditions or by 21st century feminism? What does God's Word teach concerning gender roles; plus some practical counsel for husbands (against being a domineering tyrant or passive wimp).
And per her request, I provide a initial male response to "Mortification of Spin's" Aimee Byrd. "
You did not learn Complementarianism this way! Christian Feminism, Christian Misogyny, or None of the Above?" Today's video podcast addresses these issues and much more-
click here or you can visit my YouTube channel
Read the historic
Danvers Statement on
Biblical Manhood and Womanhood.
See Aimee Byrd's article-
The Silence of Our Friends
Read Al Mohler's,
Heresy and Humility- Lessons From a Current Controversy.
Read Grudem's article,
Is Complementarianism Oppressive to Women?