Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Who Am I? & God's Original and Marvelous Design for Manhood and Womanhood (2 Sam. 7 and Gen. 1-3)

On October 29th I provided biblical instruction from Gen. 1-3 concerning "God's Original and Marvelous Design for Manhood and Womanhood."  During our Sunday School sessions I try and share numerous illustrations of "these are days of our life" under the banner of "the worldly world" and "the compromised church."

This is a relevant series because so many professing evangelicals have embraced the so called 'wisdom of the world' especially in the arena of God's design for men and women and gender/sexuality matters.  The Church today needs to know what they believe and why they believe what they believe lest we compromise the truth on the alter of "relevance and progress."  The largest megachurch in our area has gone down this very path and the ripple effect is still being felt around the entire metro-Milwaukee area.

During the worship service I concluded our four part series on the David Covenant.  One cannot rightly appreciate the N.T. Gospels or the book of Revelation if they do not have a good grasp on the grand covenants of Scripture. Chiefly, the Abrahamic, Davidic, and New Covenants.  The title of this sermon is "Who Am I?"  This exposition of 2 Samuel 7:18-29 highlights the Believer's proper response to the covenant promises of God.

For Further Reflection/Application:
Spend some time this week reflecting on past mercies, present blessings, and future promises!  Write this list down and spend time in prayer and praise! (use 2 Sam. 7:18-29 as an example)

If we set our hearts and minds upon the God’s promises with greater regularity how would it impact our daily lives? How would it help us to cope with the difficult trials and tribulations of this present world? How should it impact our prayer lives? Our worship? Our time in the Word?

(Further Application) What promises of God are you struggling to accept in faith? For example, “My spouse can never change.” “My situation is helpless.” “I cannot overcome this obstacle, trial, and/or besetting sin.” (Note Phil. 4:13; 1 Cor. 10:13) Repent of your unbelief and ask God to help you believe!

Biblical prayer and worship is GOD-centered not man-centered. Identify the God-centered phrases and statements in verses 18-29 (David’s prayer). How do our prayers and contemporary songs of praise often differ from that of the great prayers and Psalms of the Bible?

Related Resources:
All the Promises of the Bible- Herbert Lockyer

Related Songs:
Who Am I? – Casting Crowns
Indescribable- Steve Green
Come Praise and Glorify the Lord
Now Thank We All Our God
O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing

Related Biblical Texts:
2 Samuel 7; 1 Chronicles 17; Psalm 89; 145;Matthew 1; Revelation 19-22.

Key Biblical and Theological Terms:
The Abrahamic Covenant- God promises Abraham and his true offspring a promised Land, a
great nation, and world-wide blessings.

The Davidic Covenant- God promised David, and by extension Israel, (note 2 Sam. 7:23-24) a
Forever King (the Messiah) and an everlasting Kingdom; (compare 2 Sam. 7:16 against
Matthew 1 and Revelation 20-22).