Thursday, December 14, 2017

The 3 Key Words of Biblical Prophesy

Let's keep it real.  Prophesy and Eschatology can be difficult subjects to grasp.  As such, American evangelicals are tempted to not study large portions of sacred Scripture. 

This particular sermon tries to summarize Biblical Prophesy in 3 words.  These three words highlight two essential concepts. 

If you understand this message you will understand the crux of biblical prophesy and eschatology (the study of end times).  This sermon can be downloaded here   

If you choose to ignore these three key words you'll likely view prophetic Scripture as a 'riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma."

If one believes that all Scripture is inspired and profitable (per 2 Timothy 3:15-17) then WE MUST TEACH THE WHOLE BIBLE.  To ignore the Old Testament is not an option.  To avoid eschatology and prophesy is not right either.  Hence this current series at Lake Country Bible Church.

On September 17 we will also begin a new series during the 9am Sunday School hour on Rediscovering Biblical Manhood and Woman in view of the contemporary issues of the day.