Photo Credit: www.thebridgedfw.com |
The Gospel Coalition posted two more political articles this week. One arguing that
Christians should vote for Hillary Clinton; (simply because she is a known quantity- even if she is a far left Progressive who will continue to advance the Rom. 1:18-32 liberal agenda). Forget that the Democratic platform supports militant LGBT legislation, abortion on demand, the censorship of opposing viewpoints, and the persecution of Bible-believing American citizens.
Concerning Secretary Clinton's record one author writes, "The things she's said about the women who have accused her husband, Bill, of sexual harrassment -- Hillary called those women trailer park trash and all kinds of other names, and said 'no one's ever going to believe them.' Do you remember that she dismissed their accusations as being a right-wing conspiracy? Of one of those women, Hillary said, 'She is the war on women.' She says that women who speak up about harassment should be listened to, unless, apparently, it's about her husband.
Hillary has received millions in campaign donations from Saudi Arabia, Oman, Algeria, and the United Arab Emirates -- countries with horrid records concerning women's rights.
She has made fun of stay-at-home moms: 'I suppose I could have stayed home and baked cookies and had teas, but what I decided to do was to fulfill my profession which I entered before my husband was in public life.'