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Trump, like most politicians, seems willing to say almost anything to get elected (corrupt hearts seek POWER)... In fairness, Obama lied over and over again to win two elections (like in 08 when he lied about his position on gay marriage). The Democratic front-runner (Clinton) lied about Benghazi and has lied through her teeth on many other occasions. Sadly, this year's election cycle is, in many ways, par for the course.
I have observed that some people appreciate Trump- not because they like everything he says- but because unlike 90% of politicians- who say one thing in public and another thing in private- Donald often has no filter whatsoever. He speaks his mind. Having said that, the Bible calls reckless speech FOOLISH (James 3; 1:26); for the fruit of the Spirit is "self-control." As a unbeliever, Donald Trump clearly lacks this virtue.
But the Word of God also condemns those who murder the innocent, those who applaud the LGBTQ movement (see Rom 1:18-32), and those who lie as a way of life (Rev. 21:8). Hillary Clinton and President Obama fit this bill. John MacArthur said some time ago that the Democratic party has now established Rom 1:18-32 as its official party platform.
So it basically comes down to NOW WHAT because November's presidential election will likely feature two candidates with many character flaws.
Both candidates support positions that are not in harmony with Scripture. For some reason evangelicals are posting 100 negative Trump posts to every 1 Clinton/Sanders article but now I digress.
Both candidates support positions that are not in harmony with Scripture. For some reason evangelicals are posting 100 negative Trump posts to every 1 Clinton/Sanders article but now I digress.
Some Christians argue that they will not vote for either candidate (which will likely lead to a Hillary Clinton victory- as happened in 12 when 4.5 million "evangelicals" stayed home because they did not like the "Mormon" GOP pick- Romney). Those in this camp have said that they cannot in good conscience vote for an immoral leader like Trump (or Clinton). I respect this point of view. Other Christians have noted that they will once again choose the "best of the worst" and pray for God's mercy. Many people will be voting against Clinton (rather than really voting for Trump). I appreciate the rationale presented by those in this camp as well. Such decisions are not black and white. We all wish this election could feature Al Mohler versus Hillary Clinton; Even then some of the more rabid Arminians in the SBC would likely fill in a third party candidate before electing a doctrines of grace loving President (sarcasm intended).
For many months I have argued that good and godly men/women will arrive at different wisdom positions based on a number of factors. Your Facebook feed is likely case and point. When TRUE Bible-believing Christians divide themselves over issues like this I do not believe the Lord of the Church is honored or pleased. That is why I try and refrain from calling fellow believers who view some of these political issues differently than I do, "idiots," "undiscerning," "childish," etc. In my opinion this goes against the spirit of Eph. 4:1-3 and Dort.
Now more than ever we need believers who are unashamed of the gospel (Rom. 1:16-17). We need preachers who declare the whole counsel of God (2 Tim. 4:1-5) in the power of the Holy Spirit. And we need churches that are salt and light in a world of darkness (Matt. 5:16; John 17:14-20). We must rally around the one true King.
Now more than ever we need believers who are unashamed of the gospel (Rom. 1:16-17). We need preachers who declare the whole counsel of God (2 Tim. 4:1-5) in the power of the Holy Spirit. And we need churches that are salt and light in a world of darkness (Matt. 5:16; John 17:14-20). We must rally around the one true King.
At the end of the day Trump is the rich, old ruler (a self-righteous man who thinks he doesn't need to repent) and Hillary Clinton is Jezebel (a powerful woman who often carries out the script of Satan). Sadly our nation is getting exactly what we deserve (Rom. 1:18-32; Judges 21:25). In the words of the apostles, God SAVE the future KING or QUEEN (literally)!! 1 Timothy 2:1-3; 1 Peter 2:17.