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A young man in our local church ministry recently asked for a list of recommended resources for future church leaders and/or pastors in training. Here are the books/helps I recommended:
I would begin with Hermeneutics as it is the
foundation of everything. Abner Chou’s newest book is a must
read. The
Hermeneutics of the Biblical Writers: Learning to Interpret Scripture from the
Prophets and Apostles. Read Roy B. Zuck’s Basic Bible
Interpretation book and then end with DA Carson’s “Exegetical
Fallacies.” If you eventually add any Greek or Hebrew you will want
to then read Kaiser’s Towards an Exegetical Driven Theology.
All of Abner Chou’s lectures on the textual flaws of the “Christocentric
hermeneutic” or of “the Redemptive-Historical” hermeneutic are invaluable.
OT Survey- Eugune Merrill’s Kingdom of
Priests; Walt Kaiser’s The Promise Plan of God, and Merrill’s The
World and the Word are foundational resources. For extra credit read
Gleason Archer’s A Survey of the Old Testament: An Introduction.
NT Survey- Donald Guthrie’s NT Introduction;
F.F. Bruces NT History; and Tom Schreiner’s Magnifying God in Christ:
A Summary of NT Theology.
Systematic Theology- Wayne Grudem- Systematic
Theology (you know where we differ); MacArthur/Mayhue- Biblical
Doctrine; Michael Vlach- Has the Church Replaced Israel? Matt
Waymeyer- Amillennialism and the Age to Come.
Greek/Hebrew- This should be done via Mounce or with
someone who is a likeminded linguist and who offers on line videos/classroom
lectures, etc.
Biblical Counseling- Jay Adams- Competent to
Counsel. How to Help People Change. A Theology of
Christian Counseling. Richard Ganz’s PsychoBabble- The
Failure of Modern Psychology and the Biblical Alternative.
Hendrickson/Fitzpatrick- Will Medicine Stop the Pain.
Church History- Five Leading
Reformers- Chris Catherwood. Iain Murray- Evangelicalism Divided. &
the Forgotten Spurgeon. & The Old Evangelicalism: Old Truths For a New
Nichols- The Reformation: How a Monk and A Mallet
Changed the World. Joel Beeke-Meet the Puritans. John
Piper-The Legacy of Sovereign Joy. Nate Busenitz- Long Before
Luther: Tracing the Heart of the Gospel From Christ to the Reformation.
Evangelism- Will Metzger- Tell the Truth: The Whole Gospel Wholly by GraceCommunicated Truthfully & Lovingly; John Piper- Let the Nations Be Glad. DeYoung- What is the Mission of the Church? MacArthur- Evangelism: How toShare the Gospel Faithfully.
Exposition/Preaching/Teaching- Steve Lawson- Famine
in the Land. Al Mohler- He is Not Silent. MacArthur- How
to Preach Biblically or Rediscovering Expository Preaching.
James Gray- How to Master the English Bible. Samuel Logan- The
Preacher and Preaching. John Piper- the Supremacy of God and
Preaching. Lloyd-Jones- Preaching and Preachers. John
Stott- Between Two Worlds.