This Lord's Day we will continue our exposition of Luke 1. Sunday's sermon text is Luke 1:39-45 and is titled, "JESUS, Cause of our Joy."
The title not only fits within the context of the opening chapter of Luke's gospel, it also corrects the manner in which Roman Catholic's handle Christ and Mary.
For example, in Catholic theologian, Scott Hahn's book on Christmas (Joy to the World: How Christ's Coming Changed Everything and Still Does), the author devotes his book to Mary (not Jesus) and refers to Mary as "the cause of our joy." I am going to argue that this misses the point of Luke 1 and does not flow out of the intended message of the Bible. Luke 1 is about the matchless superiority of the Divine Christ, the Savior of the world. "O come let us adore Him!"
My previous messages on "the REAL Mary" can be downloaded for free here.
Children's SS and Adult SS picks back up this Sunday at 9:00am and our Worship Service will begin at 10:15am at Lake Country Bible Church.