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Last week President Barack Hussein Obama pushed his radical LGBTQ agenda on the children of our nation. The message our Liberal President sent was clear, "Accept transgenderism or else." Even though these public school bathroom guidelines do not carry the force of law the Obama administration threatened to withhold financial aid to public schools that ignore this imperial decree. In view of this, Dr. Mohler wrote an excellent commentary piece titled: The (Im)Moral revolutionaries present their demands: unconditional surrender. (see also Obama's Outrageous Decree).
As was true with "the gay rights movement" politicians and judicial activists who advocate Progressive ideology have a powerful ally in the popular world of entertainment; (remember Brokeback Mountain)? In 2015 the Danish Girl sought to romanticize in film "a love story loosely inspired by the lives of Danish artists Lili Elbe and Gerda Wegener. Lili and Gerda's marriage and work evolve as they navigate Lili's groundbreaking journey as a transgender pioneer." Like Brokeback Mountain this pro-Transgender movie received an Oscar nomination; (see also How did we get here: Desensitize, Normalize, Demonize, Idolize, Legalize, Victimize).
Here are a few of the unintended consequences of Liberalism, LGBT ideology, and the Feminist movement:
1) If carried out to it's logical conclusion, the Transgender movement will destroy Title IX and female sports as we know it.
Among many things, the Feminist movement has worked hard to eliminate role distinctions under the banner of equality. Some of the advancements that have been associated with this movement have been good. Such as, helping women earn the right to vote in public elections. Having said that, certain positions and goals of the Feminist movement are antithetical to the teaching of Scripture; (examples include abortion on demand, the ordination of female pastors, etc).
In the blood-sport, that is better known as UFC, the allowance of transgender fighters threatens the health and well being of female athletes. Even Ronda Rousey (who cusses like a sailor and who is anti-conservative) has spoken against male athletes fighting as females, calling it, "an unfair competitive advantage). Recently this fear came to fruition when a transgender fighter destroyed her female opponent in the form of a concussion and broken eye socket.
If one carries out this movement to it's logical conclusion female sports as we know it could evaporate in the blink of an eye. One of my favorite Olympians, Allyson Felix, has devoted the last decade of her life to track and field. Felix is as fast as lightening but if you allow self identifying women to compete against female athletes the concept of gender specific competition means nothing (not to mention athletic scholarships). Apparently men and women are different by design. The passage of Title IX will be for naught if the transgender movement is carried out to its logical conclusion. In an ironic twist of fate the Feminist movement and the LGBT movement are on a collision course. Female athletes will become the victims of the transgender movement if common sense (and biblical wisdom) are thrown by the wayside.
2) If carried out to it's logical conclusion, the Transgender movement will victimize many 'innocent' children (especially our daughters and granddaughters).
On this point Micah Clark writes, The American College of Pediatricians has released an in-depth report stating that the move to indoctrinate children with the idea that they can pick their gender amounts to child abuse. They are urging legislators and educators to reject all policies that would condition children to accept chemical and surgical distortions allowing people to impersonate the opposite sex.Some of the points made in their report include the following: Human sexuality is an objective biological binary trait. “XY” and “XX” chromosomes are genetic markers, not a disorder. No one is born with a gender. Everyone is born with a biological sex. Gender is a psychological concept, not an objective biological one. A person thinking he or she is something they are not, at best, is a sign of confusion. Puberty is not a disease and puberty-blocking hormones can be dangerous. (For the full article click here).
Much has already been written about the dangers of allowing men/boys into female bathrooms and/or into girl's locker rooms (see this article, this article, and this article). One does not have to be a rocket scientist to see how Obama's recent policy decision will be exploited and abused in this sexually charged society. God save the king!
3) When carried out to it's logical conclusion, the Feminist movement places our fellow man, especially our youth, in harms way.
Bad theology and awful policies go hand in hand. If one takes the ideology of the Feminist movement to its logical conclusion it makes sense that our daughters and granddaughters should be required to register for the draft and that they should be forced to serve in combat roles. (see John Piper's the folly of men arming women for combat).
If you decide to challenge any of these ideologies and policies you better prepare yourself. As Paul McHugh, the former psychiatrist in chief at Johns Hopkins Hospital warns, "Gird your loins if you would confront this matter. Hell hath no fury like a vested interest masquerading as a moral principle." See Dr. McHugh's full article, Transgenderism: A Pathogenic Meme.
Will you stand up and voice your convictions in effort to protect our mothers, our daughters, and our grandchildren? God help us all!