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Photo Credit Screengrab via GLAAD/Facebook |
“Disney breaks new
ground, introduces interracial lesbian parents” in popular children’s cartoon
show ‘Doc McStuffins.’ Just when you
think that our morally bankrupt nation could not stoop any lower we find a way
to do so. Romans 1:18-32 is playing out
before our watching eyes. I think every Christian would agree that the Romans 1 "wrath of
Divine abandonment" is nothing to yawn about.
In a related article on msn.com the following commentary was
given in view of Disney's latest pro-LGBTQ cartoon. “Disney has introduced a
multiracial two-mom family, voiced by lesbian actors. On a recent episode
of the Disney Channel show Doc McStuffins, Wanda Sykes and Portia de
Rossi each voice doll-like lesbian mothers helping their children cope after an
“earthquake” shakes up their house. The mothers, who are in a relationship,
learn from titular character Doc McStuffins how to create an emergency earthquake
kit to protect their family in the future.
The episode doesn’t necessarily focus on the lesbian
mothers’ sexualities. Instead, their relationship is simply shown as a matter
of fact. The scene has been hailed by GLAAD for its thoughtfulness and inclusive
nature, paving the way for future representation of queer interracial families
on TV. “Children like mine deserve the chance to see their families
reflected on TV, and this episode does just that in a beautiful and
positive way,” GLAAD President and CEO Sarah Kate Ellis said. “Shows like this
reflect our real world, and today that includes the many children being raised
by gay and lesbian parents who are all going to celebrate this story.
This isn’t Disney’s first step into LGBTQ representation.
Earlier, the animated series Star vs. the Forces of Evil featured
Disney’s first gay kiss. Disney also showcased their first lesbian
couple on Good Luck Charlie, making their relationship central to an
episode within the series.”
If the Old Testament prophets or John the Baptist were alive
today what heavenly message do you suppose they would deliver to the ‘divided’
States of America? I can guarantee you that the tone and content would
be much different than what is heard on a typical Sunday morning in most
I often wonder what it will take to get American
evangelicals to get more serious about
the Christian faith? Into this backdrop of ever present darkness church growth,
seeker friendly ministries continue to proliferate “dwarfish Christians.” Immature believers often lack the necessary
discernment and will (see Eph. 4:11-16; Heb. 5:12-14) to defend basic Christian
morality and doctrine in the world of lewd entertainment (note 1 Peter 3:15f). For example, just today Pastor Kevin DeYoung posted
a blog article wherein he challenged Christians about the wisdom of bing
watching HBO’s “Game of Thrones.”
Apparently, many American churchgoers think nothing of watching and
promoting programs on social media that portray graphic (and at times) very violent
sex scenes. So much for being the “salt
and light” of the world. When we abuse God’s
grace as a license for sin and immorality we are providing cover for “false
teachers.” Jude passionately warns the Church of this very thing in Jude 4-16.
Suffice it to say, today’s Disney cartoon headline reminds
genuine believers that we live during the very “difficult times” of 2 Timothy
3. This kind of thing should not catch
us by complete surprise for Jesus repeatedly warned his disciples of what to
expect in a world gone mad in John 14-16.
It's is one thing to parade sin and licentiousness under
the banner of “progress’ in a secular university campus classroom with twenty year
olds. It is quite another thing to do so
in elementary school classrooms and/or on cartoon programs (like Doc
McStuffins) and movies (like Beauty and the Beast). The principle that the Lord Jesus conveyed in
Matthew 18 is worth noting here. Our
loving Lord reminded the masses that “whoever
causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better
for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in
the depth of the sea.” This passage
is especially pertinent for false teachers/false religions but it’s also
applicable for those who influence young minds in school classrooms and/or in entertainment
contexts (music, movies, cartoon shows, etc).
It is equally clear that the LGBTQ community (which now runs
the Democratic party) is intent on mowing over anyone that opposes their views
on gender and human sexuality. Shutting
down free speech and taking away ‘religious freedom’ is part and parcel of
today’s (immoral) sexual revolution. Every day I read news stories that highlight
this disturbing trend.
In response to the evolutionary worldview that now dominates
public education many believers have chosen to pursue reputable homeschool
options (like Classical Conversations)
and/or private religious schools. Having said that, many conservative evangelicals have left
the back door wide open by allowing their children to be exposed to programs
like “Doc Mcstuffins,” “Good Luck Charlie,” (note “so and so has two moms”
episode) Disney’s smash kid’s hit “Beauty and the Beast” (with pro homosexual
characters), ABC Family’s “Pretty Little
Liars” and the list goes on and on.
It is time for
Christian parents and grandparents to become much more intentional in their
evangelism and discipleship endeavors with their own flesh and blood. It is not enough to simply protect our kids from evil influences. We need to teach them how to think critically and biblically. The Christian world-view is something we take with us everywhere we go. Many believers also need to leave their doctrinal(y) shallow, local churches and flock to Word-dominated ministries that
take seriously the mandate to present every believer fully “mature in Christ”
(Col. 1:28-29). Sound doctrine and robust theology are not optional; they're necessary to persevere and triumph in the big bad world. The Church does not exist to provide more entertainment options for your kids and teens. That's what Chuck E Cheese, Monkey Joe's, and Six Flags is for.
In the latter days, things will continue to "proceed from bad to worse"...yet this is no
time to retreat (see John 17). We do need to make
sure that we go into the mission field fully equipped in the strength of the Lord (note Jude 17-23). The battlefield beloved always begins in the arena of the
MIND. This is why 2 Cor. 10 calls us to “take
every THOUGHT captive to the obedience of Christ.” Jude 3 tells us to “contend earnestly for the
faith” while Paul’s epistles charge us to serve the Master as obedient “Christian