Thursday, June 23, 2016

Applying Theological Triage to the Current Evangelical 'Civil War'

Today's video highlights the practical and pastoral implications of the current Trinitarian Civil War.

In this discussion I will apply Dr. Mohler's theological triage to the current evangelical firestorm. I will also demonstrate what happens when you are "right in doctrine but wrong in practice."  Yes, I am referring to a couple of the posts written by Carl Trueman and Liam Goligher.  This has been, and continues to be, my primary concern. I will then suggest a better way forward.

These principles can be applied to whatever doctrinal controversy you are involved in so I think this will be of value to you (pastors and members alike).   I believe the issues highlighted in today's video are a neglected part of this ongoing "civil war" conversation.  Grace to you!

Video podcast link (click on link above or go here

See also A Call For Theological Triage and Christian Maturity.

The Trinity Debate in 200 Words.

Another Thirteen Evangelical Theologians Who Affirm the Eternal Submission of the Son to the Father.

Once More unto the Breach… and Then No More: A Final Reply to Dr. Grudem
Whatever else Dr. Grudem is advocating and however sincere his motives may be (which I do not question), it is not Nicene Trinitarianism.

Chart Credit:  Dr. Michael Svige