Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Adversity, Betrayal and Christian Ministry

Few things in life are more painful than personal betrayal.  I have found that those who have experienced ministry mutinies first hand are far more sympathetic than those who have not endured a Psalm 55:12-14 experience.  The following quotes by D.A. Carson and Spurgeon are quite insightful:  "One is not long in ministry before one observes some curates, assistant ministers- whatever a particular denomination labels them- subtly trying to undermine their senior minister, wickedly trying to assume power, covering the operation with a gauze of pious verbiage and a veneer of humility." D.A. Carson.

C. H. Spurgeon, "Ten years of toil do not take so much life out of us as we lose in a few hours by Ahithophel the traitor, or Demas the apostate."

For those who are hurting or who have been wounded in the line of duty I recommend this sermon by John Piper on preaching through adversity.  I would also encourage you to read the famous lecture by the Prince of Preachers on the minister's fainting fits.  Finally, John MacArthur's testimony concerning his Black Tuesday experience at Grace Church should prove to be quite encouraging.  Let us not grow weary in service to Christ.