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Photo Credit: https://betterbeingunderground.wordpress.com |
With so many Evangelical churches today falling wayside to the consumer-driven expectations of juvenile Christians the Holy Spirit's revitalizing work, combined with the Divine Gardner's pruning activity(John 15:1-2), is cause for celebration!
As we enter into our 171st year of ministry we ask that you would join us in praising the Lord. For "He who began a good work....will be faithful to complete it!" (Phil. 1:6)
A New Dawn: Sunday's near unanimous vote to adopt a beefed up doctrinal statement/philosophy of ministry was a major milestone in the life of this local church. Many outside sources were used as we reworked this governing document.
This church shall be called the First Baptist Church of Freeport, Illinois, and is independent and self-governing, not affiliated with any other organization.
1. The overarching purpose of this church shall be to carry
out as fully as possible the purpose of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has made the
Church to be His earthly Body; to witness for Him in our community and to the
fullest possible extent throughout the whole world; to observe His ordinances;
and to seek to build up His people in all spiritual grace.
2. The overarching goal of this church is not only to lead
other sinners to Jesus (2 Cor. 5:18-21) but, by God's grace, to present every
believer complete in Christ (Matt. 28:18-20; Col. 1:28-29; Eph. 4:11-16).
3. The overarching passion of this church is to know Christ
and to make Christ known (Phil. 3:8-11; Acts 1:8).
4. The overarching mission of this church
is to do the will of Him who saved us and by God's grace to accomplish His work
(John 4:34; 1 Cor. 10:31; Col. 3:17).
5. The
overarching distinctives of this
church are as follows:
Supremacy of God over All Things
VIEW OF GOD: We proclaim a God-exalting theology, God-centered worldview, and a
God-glorifying approach to life and ministry.
WORSHIP: We cultivate a transcendent worship which produces the fear of God and
great joy.
CONVICTIONS: We promote a passion for God’s holy name and a defense of His
glorious reputation.
The Sufficiency of Scripture in All
of Life
REVELATION: We affirm the full inspiration, complete inerrancy, and total
infallibility of Scripture.
AUTHORITY: We uphold that the Scripture alone is ultimately authoritative for
the life of the church and for every believer.
COUNSEL OF GOD: We acknowledge that the Scripture is sufficient for all matters
of life and godliness, including equipping the saints for spiritual growth,
guidance, counseling, and ministry.
PREACHING: We insist that the Scripture should be accurately preached and
taught in the power of the Holy Spirit, giving careful attention to sound
doctrine and defense of the faith.
The Sovereignty of God in All Aspects
of Salvation
DEPRAVITY: We hold that man is utterly fallen in sin through Adam’s original
rebellion, resulting in the total depravity of the entire human race.
GRACE: We believe that salvation is rooted in God’s gracious choice of undeserving
sinners in eternity past, guaranteeing their conversion within time and their
glorification for all eternity.
SALVATION: We proclaim repentance and faith—calling for a decisive break from
sin and a surrender to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, inevitably leading to a
transformed life.
RESPONSIBILITY: We assert that every person is individually accountable to God
for believing upon Jesus Christ.
PROCLAMATION: We declare that the gospel should be preached in the entire world
to every living creature.