Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Why Every Person Should Add Their Voice to Heaven's “Hallelujah” Chorus!

 Revelation 19:1-10
Why Every Person Should Add Their Voice to the “Hallelujah” Chorus!
 (pt. 1)

 Satan's Kingdom Will Come Toppling Down (per Rev. 17-20)
INTRO- Iraq War, April 9, 2003.

Revelation 19:1-10 Highlights 4 Reasons Why Every Believer
Should Add Their Voice to Heaven’s “Hallelujah” Chorus!

1) Because His judgment of the wicked is both deserved and fair
(Revelation 19:1-2)

2)  Because His judgments are permanent and unalterable
(Revelation 19:3-4)

For Further Reflection/Application:

How should the ‘end of the story’ (or the “end of the beginning”) impact our daily lives as
Bible-believing Christians?  Write 2-3 specific applications.

Do we truly love true righteousness?  Do we hunger and thirst for it?  What does this desire have to do with us longing for the second coming of Christ?

God is not only glorified in his expressions of loving-kindness He’s also glorified in His holy wrath! 

Is it wrong to praise God when the unrepentant enemies of Christ receive the “due penalty” of their sin?  Or should our hearts be torn? (Carefully compare Proverbs 11:10; Revelation 19:1-10 with Romans 9:1-3; Ezekiel 33:11).  Hint- this appears to be a both/and situation.

Properly understood and applied the study of biblical prophesy and the preaching of eschatology should always lead to lofty doxology (praise).  Explain some of the reasons why this is so.

What did the opening illustration concerning the statue of brutal dictator Sadaam Hussein being torn down have to do with Revelation 17-22?

Listen to the praise songs listed below on YouTube.  What common themes do you find traced throughout these worship songs?

How do unbelievers respond to the forthcoming destruction of “Babylon” (Satan’s kingdom of darkness)?  Why are they so distraught?  How does this differ from the way heaven responds?

Related Praise Songs:

Jesus Shall Reign- The Getty’s recently released an updated version of this old classic.
Joy to the World
How Sweet and Aweful is The Place- Together for the Gospel
Our God Reigns
The Battle Hymn of Republic- (as sung through the prism of Revelation 17-20)
Lo! He Comes With Clouds Descending

Related Biblical Texts:

Psalm 1-2; Proverbs 11:10; Ezekiel 33:11; Dan. 9:27; Matt. 24:15ff; 2 Thess. 1:5-10; 2:3-4;  Rev. 6:9-11; Rev. 13:3-15; Rev. 17-20; 

Related Resources:

He Will Reign Forever: A Biblical Theology of the Kingdom of God. Michael Vlach