Sunday, November 5, 2017

The God Who Remembers- Nov 5th, 2017 @ LCBC

During the AM worship service we will consider the wonderful account of Zacharias and Elizabeth and the birth account of John the Baptist.  The title of this introductory message is "The God Who Remembers!"  My exposition of Luke 1:5-25 can be found here

A sermon study guide is also available on Lake Country Bible Church's website.  These sermon notes are intended to help us drive home the practical significance of the message.  Scripture says we must effectual doers of the Word (not merely hearers).  It is the Holy Spirit's joy to help God's people grow in the knowledge and grace of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Here is a snippet from Sunday's note sheet.

For Further Reflection/Application:
Imagine what it would have felt like to have ministered faithfully as a believer (as Zacharias
and Elizabeth did) without any signs of deliverance or the fulfillment of many O. T. promises.
Do you ever feel discouraged concerning various N. T. and 2nd Coming Promises?
(note 2 Peter 3)

Numbers 23:19, “God is not a man that He should (ever) lie. Has God said, and will He not do
it? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?” How you answer these rhetorical
questions will not only influence how you live your everyday life it will also determine your
eternal destiny. I say this on the basis of texts like John 3:16-36.

Do you believe that God is faithful and that He always keeps Word. How should this timeless
truth impact your life as an unbeliever (John 3:36; 14:6; Heb. 9:27). How should this truth
encourage your heart as a believer? (Hebrews 11)

God is the God of Small Beginnings. Read 1 Corinthians 1:26-2:5; Acts 4:1-4, 13; Eph. 3:20-21.
Think about some of the common excuses we make despite the principle listed above- (such as
I’m too old, too young. My past before Christ is too bad.)

How are we tempted to sin and/or to despair when God does not answer godly desires we
might have; such as singleness, barrenness, the salvation of family members.

What was meant when Pastor Caleb said that Luke 1:11-17 is the Gospel before the Gospel
before the Gospel? Who does God want you to share the good news with this week/holiday?

Related Resources:
Twelve Ordinary Men- John MacArthur

Related Biblical Texts:
Luke 1:26-56; 57-66; 67-80; Genesis 15; 2 Samuel 7. Revelation 20-22.

Key Biblical and Theological Terms:
The Abrahamic Covenant- God promises Abraham and his true offspring a promised Land, a
great nation, and world-wide blessings.

The Davidic Covenant- God promised David, and by extension Israel, (note 2 Sam. 7:23-24) a
Forever King (the Messiah) and an everlasting Kingdom; (compare 2 Sam. 7:16f against Luke
1-2 and Revelation 20-22).

The Intertestamental period- Is the 400 years of silence that pass between the final Old
Testament prophet (Malachi) and the New Testament.

During the 9am Sunday School hour I will give a lesson on "Role Reversals and the Fall" from Genesis 3f.