My writing ministry is mostly confined to manuscripts related to preaching and teaching within the context of the local church. My best work is always reserved for my most important task, which is, without question-the expository pulpit (2 Timothy 3:16-4:5). The inconsistent blog postings here at P.T.L and the "editing polish" of which some of my articles sorely lack is related to these ministry priorities. For that I make no apologies. Some of my 'best' blog articles over the years have been the fruit of lessons prepared for Sunday School classes or for more informal, evening gatherings.
With that by way of introduction, please allow me to imitate Carl Trueman and "rush in where even monkeys fear to tread" by discussing the firestorm surrounding James White and Brannon Howse.
Many people within my new ministry context have asked me to weigh in on this controversy. Thus far, I have said very little because I have not had ample time to read the many related articles, let alone listen to the related videos and podcasts surrounding this bloody affair.
Having watched the introduction of James White's dialogue with Muslim scholar Yasir Qadhi multiple times now and having read a few summary articles, let me offer up a few preliminary remarks on context, format, and consistency.
1. Context matters.
The friendly discussion between a well known Christian apologist and a respected Muslim scholar took place in a local Christian church. More than a few church leaders have questioned the wisdom of this decision. It is one thing to "dialogue" with an unbeliever over lunch in the workplace or to debate Scripture and sound doctrine on a secular University campus. However, providing a platform for a non-Christian teacher to instruct Christians concerning the true tenants of Islam or any other false religion seems very unwise at best. Could you imagine Al Mohler inviting Matthew Vines to his local church to dialogue about homosexuality and "God and the gay Christian." Could you imagine Paul or Peter setting up a friendly conversation with the Gnostics? I can't.. The spirit of the latter epistles of John (see especially 1-3 John) are worth noting here. The principles found in Galatians 1-2 are also helpful guides.
In a "open letter" the main lay elder at Grace Community (Pastor MacArthur's church) wrote, "We would not sanction a public dialogue with a Muslim Imam, or any other person with an agenda to teach false religion AT (emphasis mine) Grace Community Church..." Chris Hamilton went on to add a word of public criticism aimed at those bloggers (such as Brannon Howse) that are now discrediting the ministry of James White based on this isolated error of judgment/discernment. More on that issue another time; (Brannon Howse is someone I have heard of but {until recently} have never read or listened to. This article is not intended to address Howse's or any other blogger's commentary).
2. Format matters.
James White made it very clear that what he set up in January 2017 was a DIALOGUE not a DEBATE.
Webster's defines a DEBATE as "a contention by words or arguments. Our polite chat about politics became a heated debate." In contrast, the same dictionary defines DIALOGUE this way; "a written composition in which two or more characters are represented as conversing; 2a : a conversation between two or more persons; also : a similar exchange between a person and something else (such as a computer) b: an exchange of ideas and opinions."
When I first heard that James White set up a two hour "conversation" with a Muslim teacher at a local church I did not believe it. Now if the same person who first told me of this event had named Rick Warren, Bill Hybels, or even James MacDonald (see the infamous "Elephant room" controversy) I would have thought, "Well that's par for the course," but not Dr. James White. Footnote: I remember reading a Christmas book by Rick Warren some time ago wherein Warren kept referring to the Roman Catholic Pope as the "holy Father." Say what?!? I also listened to an out of character dialogue/podcast this year between Reformation historian, Carl Trueman and a high ranking leader in the Roman church, but now I digress.
From my Bible-believing corner of evangelicalism James White is one of the most respected apologist/debaters I know. I have benefited from more than a few of James White's books, public debates, and apologetics articles in the past. White's insistence on setting up a "dialogue" driven format with a false teacher in a Christian church surprised me (and many others).
3. Consistency matters.
Regardless of where you come down on this intramural debate believers -especially church leaders- need to be consistent. I have witnessed first hand that "celebrity" preachers and authors are often treated differently than (we) no name pastor-theologians.
For example, when well known Christian bloggers post pictures of their thousand seat sanctuaries or subtly boast of how many services they have (i.e. I pastor a very large congregation) I have been reminded that "love believes the best" (which is true). On the other hand, when a no name pastor shares a few stories of ministry success within their small ministry context and are called "self-promoters" something is out of whack.
Here's my point. If Bill Hybels, Rick Warren, or even James MacDonad had set up a "dialogue" with a Muslim Imam at their respective "churches" I can almost guarantee you that the Bible-centered blogosphere (of which I participate) would have piled on these leaders. "What were you thinking?!?" Wherever you land in these debates fear God more than man, be loving, slow to speak, and strive to be consistent.
If/when church leaders put future book deals, future conference speaking opportunities, personal relationships, "gospel coalitions" etc. above being impartial, truth tellers (in the Spirit of Eph. 4:15) we have seriously missed the mark. At the end of day context, format, and consistency matter! God help us all.